
fine broken Learn more about fine broken

  • The choice of soil

    The choice of soil

    The choice of soil

  • A brief discussion on the bottom material of orchid basin

    A brief discussion on the bottom material of orchid basin

    A brief discussion on the bottom material of orchid basin

  • Cultivation techniques of Potato covered with broken Grass

    Cultivation techniques of Potato covered with broken Grass

    In recent years, with the expansion of mechanical harvesting area of late rice and middle rice, there are more broken grass after mechanical harvesting. Covering potato with crushed grass harvested by machine, preparing the soil without ploughing, sowing without covering soil, and harvesting without digging is an effective and simple and efficient cultivation technique. Choose a good seed. Selection of Dongnong 303 and other precocious varieties, strong growth, early tuber formation, very precocious, growth period of about 60 days (emergence to harvest), strong resistance, good waterlogging tolerance. Fine ground preparation. Use the late rice harvest to plant potatoes in the future winter fallow fields, first per mu on the rice field board.

  • How to prevent the rotten seeds of spring peanuts after sowing

    How to prevent the rotten seeds of spring peanuts after sowing

    Rotten seeds often occur before emergence of spring peanuts after sowing, and the serious rate of rotten seeds is as high as 20%, resulting in varying degrees of lack of seedlings and broken ridges. Causes of rotten seed: poor seed quality or improper storage, long storage period, low-lying terrain, soil viscosity, poor texture, high soil water content, long seedling emergence time, unsolid soil preparation, affecting species.

  • Also talking about the cultivation substrate

    Also talking about the cultivation substrate

    Also talking about the cultivation substrate

  • Soilless cultivation methods and Culture precautions of Bowl Lotus (Picture)

    Soilless cultivation methods and Culture precautions of Bowl Lotus (Picture)

    Bowl lotus, also known as white lotus, hibiscus, lotus, etc., is a perennial aquatic herbaceous flower of the family Nelumbo nucifera. It is not only colorful, fragrant, Ling Bo Cui cover, but also has strong adaptability. It has been a precious aquatic flower in palace garden and private garden since ancient times.

  • What about spring peanut rot?

    What about spring peanut rot?

    Before emergence, seed rot often occurs after sowing of spring peanuts, and serious cases are as high as 10%~20%, resulting in different degrees of seedling shortage and ridge breakage. Cause Poor seed quality or improper storage, or storage period is too long; geothermal low-lying, heavy soil viscosity, poor texture, high soil moisture content, seed emergence time is long, soil preparation is not solid, affecting...

  • A trick to raise orchids-Qi

    A trick to raise orchids-Qi

    1. Lan should be angry. Therefore, we must choose a large-mouth tile basin with good ventilation, and the hole at the bottom of the basin is much bigger. Porcelain pots, pottery pots and plastic pots are more beautiful than clay pots, but orchids are not suitable. 2. Orchids must be well ventilated. Before planting orchids, the broken tiles must be folded into herringbone shapes to cover the holes of the basin, and then a layer of broken tiles or coarse sand grains must be padded at the bottom of the basin to form an arch with high middle and low sides, which is conducive to air permeability and drainage. 3. Before putting the orchid into the basin, rinse the root system with clean water, and then sprinkle with fine silt.

  • Tulip mosaic disease

    Tulip mosaic disease

    [alias] Tulip soft rot. Tulip mosaic disease is as widespread as tulip broken color disease. Sometimes the virus and tulip broken color virus together to produce a compound infection, forming a serious mosaic. [symptoms] there are yellow stripes or fine-grained spots on tulip leaves and dark spots on petals; in severe cases, the leaves rot. [pathogen] the pathogen of tulip mosaic disease is cucumber mosaic virus (cu-cumbermosaicvirus,CMV).

  • Black tea review

    Black tea review

    The quality priority and grade of the finished black tea were evaluated by comparing the appearance, endoplasmic sensory evaluation of the standard sample tea. Kongfu black tea: focus on beautiful and symmetrical appearance. Factors such as shape evaluation, fragmentation, color, cleanness, etc. The length of the cable is dull, thick and thin, contains millimeter, tight knot Tingxiu, there are sharp fungus, Baihao exposed, body weight is excellent, and vice versa. For the uniform ratio and lower plate tea content, it is required that the upper, middle and lower stages of tea should be properly proportioned, connected with each other, not out of gear, flat and symmetrical, and the content permeability of lower plate tea (broken tea). The color and lustre is more dry and even.

  • Field preparation before wheat sowing

    Field preparation before wheat sowing

    Field preparation before wheat sowing

  • Fine varieties of tea

    Fine varieties of tea

    Breeding and popularizing fine tea varieties is a fundamental measure to improve the quality and yield of tea and increase the economic benefits of growing tea. From a large number of production practice and scientific research results, it is proved that the selection of excellent tea varieties plays a role in tea production in many aspects: first, it can increase the yield. Tea yield is determined by comprehensive factors such as the number and weight of buds and leaves per unit area, the growth rate of buds and leaves in the annual growth period, the length of vegetative growth period and so on. Under the same conditions, different varieties have different yield factors, so the yield is different.

  • The efficacy and function of Fritillaria thunbergii

    The efficacy and function of Fritillaria thunbergii

    The efficacy and function of Fritillaria thunbergii

  • The Market Price of Radix Pseudostellariae

    The Market Price of Radix Pseudostellariae

    The Market Price of Radix Pseudostellariae

  • Matters needing attention in planting bowl lotus

    Matters needing attention in planting bowl lotus

    1. Light bowl lotus can not be nurtured indoors for a long time, otherwise it will grow slowly, so it is necessary to receive more light outdoors, so the plant will grow more vigorously. two。 Fertilizer bowl lotus likes fertilizer, lack of fertilizer plants will lack vitality, before planting should add a small amount of mature cake and other base fertilizer. Although the bowl lotus likes to be fat

  • Panax notoginseng-- Ju Sanqi

    Panax notoginseng-- Ju Sanqi

    Alias red back Panax notoginseng, earth Panax notoginseng, broken blood Dan. The source is Gynurasegetum (Lour.) Merr. The root. Plant morphology perennial herbs, 1-1.5 m high. Stem erect, fleshy, finely angled. Basal leaves fascicled, spatulate, entire or serrate or pinnately divided, purplish green below; cauline leaves alternate, long elliptic, long 10~25cm, wide 5~10cm, pinnatifid, lobes ovate to lanceolate, margin shallow

  • The latest culture methods of southern fir

    The latest culture methods of southern fir

    Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cedar pine, Japanese golden pine, North American redwood and golden pine are known as the five major park tree species in the world, native to the southeast coastal area of Oceania, and now Guangdong, China.

    2020-11-10 The latest Cunninghamia lanceolata aquaculture method Cedar aka Australia
  • Fructus gleditsiae

    Fructus gleditsiae

    [Alias] Small tooth soap, tooth soap, eyebrow soap. [Source] Dry sterile fruit of plant acacia. [Medicinal Materials] Origin is the same as big locust. Harvest and processing Autumn harvest. sterile pods are picked and dried. The shape is curved cylindrical, slightly flat, pointed at both ends, similar to crescent shape, 4~7 cm long, 0.7~1.2 cm wide in the middle, about 5 mm thick. The surface is purple brown to purple brown, covered with a layer of white powder, wiped off the powder to show luster, common with fine longitudinal cracks, raised ridges on the abdomen,

  • The culture method of noble fruit

    The culture method of noble fruit

    Choose flowerpots: flowerpots choose wooden buckets, wooden boxes or earthen pots with good permeability. Self-made matrix: available river sand, garden soil, fine sand soil, compost soil, humus, plant ash, etc., mixed according to a certain proportion. Pot planting: put broken tiles into the bottom of the basin and sprinkle an appropriate amount.

    2020-11-08 Distinguished people fruits breeding methods abstracts selection flowerpots
  • What should summer carrot plant notice?

    What should summer carrot plant notice?

    What should summer carrot plant notice? Please give an introduction to summer carrot cultivation can refer to the following methods: first, fine soil preparation carrots are meat root vegetables, like deep and loose soil. Land preparation should be ploughed deeply, with a depth of not less than 30 cm. To achieve intensive cultivation, to achieve fine broken soil, flat ground,.
